Charity Event 2024

The pandemic caused us to cancel our annual charity event in 2020, just weeks before it was due to take place. We decided that the time was now right to reinstate it and are delighted to be supporting Little Miracles, a local charity doing tremendous work with children with a disability or life-limiting condition.

Stuart Orme

The afternoon promised to be an interesting one – and it was! Beginning with guest speaker, Stuart Orme, presenting “Royal Peterborough” an interesting, informative and, in part, amusing presentation. How many of us knew that two royal princesses were actually born in our city?

The Chief Executive Officer of Little Miracles, Michelle King, was then invited to share some of the work they are doing. Her heart-wrenching account of how the charity began, left not many dry eyes in the audience – what they’ve managed to achieve to support families and enable children to enjoy fun together is nothing short of amazing.





After a well-earned cup of tea with biscuits, we could browse around the book stall, look at the displays telling the story of the site where the Little Miracles has its base (The Spinney – original site of one of Peterborough’s play schemes) and learn about Anzac Day (remembered on the 25th April every year). Many took the opportunity to sign up to become “Friends of Peterborough Local History Society” (enabling them to receive regular information on events the Society is holding) whilst others decided to become members, to fully enjoy the programme on offer.

An added bonus was the raffle, with 23 superb prizes donated by members – the winning prize being donated by The Oundle Bookshop. The excited queue to collect raffle prizes at the end added enjoyment for many.After the interval, Society chairman, Trevor Pearce, presented “Peterborough Goes to Work”. The pictures he showed stirred memories for many – evident by the buzz of excited whispering that arose from the audience at times. Trevor talked of the difficulty he had, in reducing the number of images from the 228 he’d originally gathered and promised “watch this space!” for seeing the rest next year.

Some Photos of the Spinney. c. 1970/80/90s before Little Miracles 

Finally a few photos of the Spinney Big Build becoming Little Miracles. 

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