February Meeting

Peterborough and the 1926 General Strike
Our next meeting will take place this coming Thursday (13th February) at 7.30 pm, at St Andrew’s United Reformed Church, Ledbury Road, Netherton, Peterborough PE3 9RF.
The speaker for the evening will be Dr Hazel Perry, with “Peterborough and the 1926 General Strike”. Hazel studied for an MA in History with the Open University. She graduated in 2014 after writing a dissertation entitled Peterborough in the 1926 General Strike, then went on to write a PhD thesis Peterborough Trades Union Council: A Forgotten Arena for Working Class Politics (2022), at De Montfort University.
In 1926 British trade unions took part in the only genuine General Strike of the twentieth century. This talk looks at how Peterborough’s residents and industries were affected over the 9 day strike, and the responses of trade unions and the local authority.
Visitors are always welcome to attend our meetings, for a fee of just £3.