Images of the City.

The April meeting of the Peterborough Local History Society was very well attended and we were delighted to welcome fourteen visitors!
David Lowndes shared with us images from his vast portfolio, gathered during 48 years as a press photographer in the city. The photographs and the backstories that David recounted, gave a real glimpse of both the highs and the lows of life in and around Peterborough – Royal visits, major sporting events, pop concerts and then those more ordinary, everyday events that happen and affect people’s lives and that David has resolutely captured. The happy, the sad, the memorable, the commonplace – David has been there to record for prosperity. Visit David’s website to see just a selection of the images he shared with us:
David generously donated his speaker’s fee for the evening, to help those less fortunate. Longthorpe couple, John and Rosie Sandall, have run the Chernobyl Children’s Appeal for the past 25 years. In addition to helping families who are still affected by the nuclear disaster, they are providing financial aid during the current conflict. If you feel able to support them in this, please see the recent newspaper article for their contact details: