January Meeting

Our January meeting will take place this coming Thursday evening (13th January) at 7.30pm, at St Mark’s Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SN.
We are delighted to welcome Tilly Rose, who will be joining our own member, Peter Waszak in bringing us “Stitched Memories: The Lady Drapers of Millfield”. Peter is rightly proud of his ancestors, who were ahead of their time-independent, strong, self-sufficient women, running a draper’s business in Millfield, along Lincoln Road from the 1890s until the 1950s. Through his research, Peter has uncovered a fascinating tale of these women and how their businesses grew. Tilly, a mixed-media textile artist, who grew up in Millfield and lived in the area for over 30 years will be sharing with us how she created a stitch wrap from the captivating story. This formed part of the Millfield Link exhibition held at Peterborough Museum at the end of last year and we are privileged to have the opportunity to view it ourselves on Thursday evening.