Other Local Events in November

 Other local events in November on  Sunday the 6th.  Friday the 18th and Sunday the  27th.

Peterborough Museum is holding a Wartime Peterborough Walk to commemorate Armistice Day. The tour leaves the Museum at 2 pm this coming Sunday, 6th November. For further information and to book tickets, please see: https://peterboroughmuseum.org.uk/events/wartime-peterborough-walk


“Fifty Mysterious Postcards” by local author Kathryn Baird. Illustrated presentation at Cotterstock Village Hall PE8 5HD at 2pm on Friday 18th November. Please see attached for further information.


and finally-

An invitation to Society Members to a concert to celebrate the 50th anniversary of St Andrews Church.

Please note email Julie if you wish to attend so St Andrews can plan the event. 

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