
October Meeting

October Meeting

Tomorrow evening, Thursday, Oct. 14th the History Society is holding its second indoor meeting since 2020. As last month the venue will be the St Andrews Reform Church in Ledbury Road, Netherton. PE3 9RF.  Easy to find and with good parking.  Our speaker will be Mr Peter Moore, sharing with us an “Illustrated history of […]

Back in Business.

Back in Business.

Georgian Peterborough. On the evening of Thursday, September 23rd two weeks later than originally planned and after the stress of finding a new temporary location and then finding a new speaker at the last minute, our first inside meeting went ahead after an enforced break of 18 months. Our temporary home for the evening was […]

Visit to the Spalding Gentleman’s Society

Visit to the Spalding Gentleman’s Society
On the evening of August 11th, the second outside visit of 2021 took place. We travelled to the market town of Spalding, just 20 miles north of Peterborough. Those of us who signed up for the visit were in for a treat. The Gentlemen’s Society of Spalding is to be found in a Grade 11 [...]

We Meet Once More.

We Meet Once More.
8th July 2021 - A Walk around Titchmarsh by Julie Nicholson. We enjoyed the first face-to-face meeting of Peterborough Local History Society since March 2020, with a visit to a small village (600 inhabitants), 20 miles south-west of Peterborough. The sun shone and we couldn't have picked a better evening for a guided tour around [...]

Society in Lockdown

Society in Lockdown

Written by Julie Nicholson, Society Secretary. Boris says we can’t meet – oh no – what do we do? That was the question the committee asked themselves, back in March 2020. We’d just held our March meeting, in St Mark’s Church Hall – little did we know at the time, that it would be the […]

Zooming in Spring

Zooming in Spring

April 2021, and still under the threat of this dreadful Pandemics and unable to hold meetings. However, on April 8th members of the Local History Society met once again via a Zoom meeting. Although, not by any means are these meetings a substitute for our monthly physical meetings of exchanging greetings and gossip, there are, […]

A Virtual Christmas Social

A Virtual Christmas Social

Last night December 10th should have been the Society’s Christmas Social, sadly with the continuing Covid restrictions, this year’s event was another destined to be ditched…BUT…by the magic of the internet, a Zoom social was arranged. Members were all emailed an invitation and joining instruction. Christmas hats and jumpers were worn and best of all […]

Peterborough Archives Service

Peterborough Archives Service

Good news! Peterborough Archives Service is now open again to customers Search room opening and closing times have been adjusted to allow us to provide a safe environment for both staff and customers. The new times are: Monday 10am-1pm Tuesday 1pm-4pm Wednesday 10am-1pm Thursday 1pm-4pm Friday 10am-1pm Saturday closed To maintain social distancing, only two […]

The History Society making History!

The History Society making History!

Making your Physical event Virtual Thanks to the ongoing Covid19 pandemic the Country has regressed to a second, slightly less restrictive lockdown. This meant our usual meeting have now been on hold since March and new innovative ways have been used to keep in touch with members. Our Chairman and Secretary, Trevor and Julie have […]

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