Category: General

January Meeting

January Meeting

Our January meeting will take place this coming Thursday evening (13th January) at 7.30pm, at St Mark’s Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SN. We are delighted to welcome Tilly Rose, who will be joining our own member, Peter Waszak in bringing us “Stitched Memories: The Lady Drapers of Millfield”. Peter is rightly proud […]

AGM and Secret Peterborough

AGM and Secret Peterborough

Thursday evening, November 11th was the 30th AGM of the Peterborough Local History Society. Held at our alternative venue, the St Andrew’s United Reformed Church in Netherton. The meeting was chaired by our Chairman Trevor Pearce supported by the Society secretary, Julie Nicholson and treasurer, Roger Dangerfield. The meeting went smoothly, with the retiring committee […]



Peterborough History Society AGM this evening Thursday 11th November 7.30pm. At St Andrews Reform Church, Ledbury Road, Netherton. PE3 9RF. Car parking available at the rear of the church. The formal meeting will be followed by a talk by our members, June and Vernon Bull. Their subject will be Secret Peterborough. Last year our AGM […]

October Meeting

October Meeting

Tomorrow evening, Thursday, Oct. 14th the History Society is holding its second indoor meeting since 2020. As last month the venue will be the St Andrews Reform Church in Ledbury Road, Netherton. PE3 9RF.  Easy to find and with good parking.  Our speaker will be Mr Peter Moore, sharing with us an “Illustrated history of […]

Back in Business.

Back in Business.

Georgian Peterborough. On the evening of Thursday, September 23rd two weeks later than originally planned and after the stress of finding a new temporary location and then finding a new speaker at the last minute, our first inside meeting went ahead after an enforced break of 18 months. Our temporary home for the evening was […]

Visit to the Spalding Gentleman’s Society

Visit to the Spalding Gentleman’s Society
On the evening of August 11th, the second outside visit of 2021 took place. We travelled to the market town of Spalding, just 20 miles north of Peterborough. Those of us who signed up for the visit were in for a treat. The Gentlemen’s Society of Spalding is to be found in a Grade 11 [...]

Society in Lockdown

Society in Lockdown

Written by Julie Nicholson, Society Secretary. Boris says we can’t meet – oh no – what do we do? That was the question the committee asked themselves, back in March 2020. We’d just held our March meeting, in St Mark’s Church Hall – little did we know at the time, that it would be the […]

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