
Autumn and a New Venue

Autumn and a New Venue

Marholm Meanderings by Bella Craven.  On Thursday evening the 8th September the Society met in their new permanent location of St Andrews Reform Church in Ledbury Road, Netherton, Peterborough. This was the first full meeting since the three successful summer outside monthly visits. The meeting was well attended with a few visitors our new venue […]

Summer Visit

Summer Visit

Visit to Oundle School Chapel – 7 pm, Thursday 9th June Conducted tour of the chapel, which contains some of the most important and influential stained glass in the country. In addition to windows by Hugh Easton depicting the Seven Ages of Man, there are also designs by John Piper and Mark Angus. Cost £10 […]

May Meeting.

May Meeting.

Julie Murray, Marketing and Customer Care Director of Notcutts Ltd. will be our speaker. In the year that Notcutts is celebrating its 125th anniversary, Julie will be sharing with us how the company began in Suffolk, how it came to Peterborough and how successive generations of a family have made it what it is today. […]

Images of the City.

Images of the City.

The April meeting of the Peterborough Local History Society was very well attended and we were delighted to welcome fourteen visitors! David Lowndes shared with us images from his vast portfolio, gathered during 48 years as a press photographer in the city. The photographs and the backstories that David recounted, gave a real glimpse of […]

Please Note-Important Changes of Date and Speaker.

Please Note-Important Changes of Date and Speaker.

Our April meeting will take place on Wednesday 20th April at 7.30 pm, at St Mark’s Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SN. David Lowndes will be showing us images taken during his 48 years as a press photographer. A pictorial history of our city, over the latter part of the 20th and into […]

March Meeting Notice.

March Meeting Notice.

March Meeting. Roman archaeology of the Nene valley by Professor Stephen Upex Thursday 10th March, 7.30 pm, St Mark’s Church Hall, 82 Lincoln Road, Peterborough PE1 2SN – Entrance fee £3 Professor Upex is a leading authority on the Roman and early Saxon periods in our area, having excavated, written about and researched it for […]

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