Updating the Web Site

November 15th. 2017
Good afternoon. I’m Monica and I will be attempting to keep our Web site updated and relevent.
After a faltering start to updating the site yesterday I’ve now managed to get my head around the intricacies of the website dashboard. It’s a couple of years now since I designed and ran my sons website and the  little grey cells get rusty with age so apologies if I make mistakes.
I’ve added this coming years events as far as July and will add the rest of the year as soon as I can. So far the only problem I have come across is that I dont seem to be able to upload the actual program for 2018. once I work out how to do this it will be added.
As you can see the Charity event has not been decided on yet but the program of events for the year are looking varied and intresting.
Next meeting will be the Christmas Social on December 14th beginning 7.30 pm. Our entertainment for the evening will be good people from the Westwood Musical Society. Enjoy. A tempting array of goodies to feast on will be laid on by members. So don’t have too large an evening meal before you arrive
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