WadenhoeTrust – March Meeting

Good evening all. Our website is now back on line after an annoying Cyberattack

I trust you are weathering this cold damp weather and keeping well. Our March meeting was as interesting as I had anticipated. It was yet another wet, cold winter night but it didn’t deterred the membership from attending the meeting. Mr. Paul Goldsmith, Trustee of the Wadenhoe Trust was speaker for the evening.

Wadenhoe is an ancient picturesque village of some 300 residents and lies West of Peterborough about halfway between the small towns of Oundle and Thrapston in East Northamptonshire.
Although the site has been occupied for some 800 or more years, today it’s made-up of mainly 17th, 18th and 19th. Century mellow limestone cottages with a mix of Thatch, Collyweston slate or pan-tiled roofs.

Cottages at Wadenhoe

The Wadenhoe Trust was formed 1981 when then last members the Ward -Hunt Family, the then owners of the Manor and the majority of the village and surrounding parklands had no Heirs to carry on with their responsibilities to the Village and the Vllagers. The Trust has seven independent unpaided Trustees. Mr Goldsmith is the Estate Manager. It actively looks after 27 properties and manages 200 acrescof Farm land and 224 acres of woodland. It’s aims to conserve and improve the properties it manages and keep the small thriving community alive.

The Wadenhoe History group has published ‘The Story of Wadenhoe’ that can be downloaded from their website

RiverNene in the Kings Head garden

If you venture out to Waddenhoe I can recommend the Kings Head Pub as a place for refreshments and Its also a lovely spot to see the River Nene. There is also a lovely Tea Room in the Old Barn.

Our Thanks to Mr Goldsmith for an interesting and illuminating talk.

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