Hello, Peterborough Local History Buffs. The Society now has progressed to a page on Social Media To find us on Facebook go to – Peterborough Local History Society@discoveringlocalhistory
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Hello, Peterborough Local History Buffs. The Society now has progressed to a page on Social Media To find us on Facebook go to – Peterborough Local History Society@discoveringlocalhistory
The January 2020 meeting of the Society was, despite the wet cold night, very well attended. Our Chairman, Trevor, as usual, introduced the meeting and gave preliminary information about the April charity meeting at the Cathedral. Posters and tickets for the event will be available next month. David D’Arcy, the present owner of the JW […]
The December Christmas Social meeting of the Society fell on a cold wet, Thursday evening. It was followed a  hectic day with the flurry of the Pre-Christmas sales and the all-important British Election Day. Attendance wasn’t as high as usual which was a little disappointing as the evening’s entertainment was a unique and quirky performance […]
The November meeting is the month for the Society’s AGM. This was well attended and the Business part of the meeting went smoothly and the evenings’ speaker was introduced. Member, John Dewis, had researched and produced an interesting and informative talk about some of the influential but not so well known People born and associated with […]
March has commenced true to form, producing some very wild, gusty, windy weather but this hadn’t deterred the members from attending the evenings meeting. Stephen Perry one of our foundation members and Local Historian was to give a talk about the medical care and hospital provision to the people of Peterborough through the centuries. It […]
Thursday 14th June The first of three outside meetings. This evening is a Walk around Langham Village. is an historic Village 2 miles North West of Oakham on the A605. A notable inhabitants, Simon Langham, a 14th century Monk became Archbishop of Canterbury. The meeting is a ticketed event and  hosted by the Langham History […]
Good evening all. Our website is now back on line after an annoying Cyberattack I trust you are weathering this cold damp weather and keeping well. Our March meeting was as interesting as I had anticipated. It was yet another wet, cold winter night but it didn’t deterred the membership from attending the meeting. Mr. […]
Good Afternoon all. March has roared in with a snowy Artic blast. I hope you’re all keeping warm and safe. Our March meeting is in a few days time and I sincerely hope the weather improves to allow a good attendance. It promises to be an interesting meeting with Paul Goldsmith the Wadenhoe Trust Manager […]
It’s the second Thursday in the month once more and despite the dark cold evening the turnout for our meeting is good. A welcome was extended to several visitors and potential new members who had also joined the audience. All was set for an interesting talk from our evenings speaker, Mr Toby Wood, Vice Chairman […]
Well we’re in February already and Spring is pushing in fast. Our meeting this month on the 8th at the usual time of 7.30 pm. will be well worth turning out for. Our Speaker is Toby Wood, Chairman of the Peterborough Civic Society. He will be talking about the Blue Plaques around Peterborough and the […]