Peterborough Archives Service

Good news! Peterborough Archives Service is now open again to customers
Search room opening and closing times have been adjusted to allow us to provide a safe environment for both staff and customers. The new times are:
Monday 10am-1pm
Tuesday 1pm-4pm
Wednesday 10am-1pm
Thursday 1pm-4pm
Friday 10am-1pm
Saturday closed
To maintain social distancing, only two tables will be available for research purposes. A maximum of two research “bubbles” – each comprising no more than two people – will be allowed into the search room at any one time.
Microfilm readers and a PC (for accessing Ancestry) will be available but printing services will be limited.
Customers should book in advance to guarantee a space. On-the-day appointments will only be possible if at least one of the two “bubbles” has not been booked and a sufficient number of staff are available.
A hand sanitiser station will be located at the entrance to the search room. Upon arrival, customers are requested to thoroughly wash their hands with hand sanitiser.
Screens have been installed where staff are required to have face-to-face interaction with customers. A queueing system will be implemented with markings and signage to remind our customers to keep a safe distance.
Customers must wear face coverings before being allowed into the search room. Customers are advised to bring their own pencils/paper due to risk of contamination. Documents/volumes/microfilm reels will be quarantined for a minimum of 72 hours after use before being available again.
To book an appointment, please call the archives on 01733 864160 or email