
Meet Chris Porsz via Zoom

Meet Chris Porsz via Zoom

On the evening of Wednesday, the 16 September members of the Local History Society were treated to an unusual Lockdown meeting. Since March our meetings have had to be postponed as was the September meeting. Our Chairman, Trevor and Secretary Julie worked hard researching and writing an article each month on a Peterborough related history […]

August Update

August Update

Hello All,  Well, the year 2020 will be a year of history that will not be forgotten in a hurry. Since our last meeting in March when Dr Colin Prosser gave us an insight into the building materials used to build Peterborough, especially the use of the relatively unknown Alwalton Marble, much has happened and […]

Covid 19

Covid 19

It is with great regret, following the Government health guideline regarding the worldwide outbreak of the virus Covid19 that the Society has now cancelled the next two meetings due to be held at St Marks Church Hall on April 9th and May 14th. The Charity Event due to be held in the Knights Chamber in […]

March 2020 – Building Peterborough

March 2020 – Building Peterborough

Thursday night despite the fears over the Corona Virus the meeting was well attended once again. Our speaker for the evening was Doctor Colin Prosser the Principal Geologist for Natural England.  His subject was the building materials used in building the City and surrounding area. The Buildings of Peterborough City and the surrounding villages until […]

Charity Event 2020

Charity Event 2020

Illustrated talks by Peterborough Local History Society.                              (supporting Peterborough Cathedral) The Knights’ Chamber, Peterborough Cathedral 2 pm  Wednesday 29th April 2020 An event in 2 parts: “Royal Peterborough” – guest speaker, Stuart Orme An entertaining look at the history of Royal […]

New Facebook Page

Hello, Peterborough Local History Buffs. The Society now has progressed to a page on Social Media To find us on Facebook go to – Peterborough Local History Society@discoveringlocalhistory

The Stamford Canal

The Stamford Canal

February 13th.  another  damp evening in a wet, stormy month. Post Storm Ciara and before Storm Denis was due to strike, and despite the weather, our meeting was well attended. Our speaker for the evening was Ken Otter and the subject was the Stamford Canal, the first post-Roman British canal.    The pre-railway system of transporting […]

The History of JW D’Arcy -Jewellers of Westgate

The History of JW D’Arcy -Jewellers of Westgate

The January 2020 meeting of the Society was, despite the wet cold night, very well attended. Our Chairman, Trevor, as usual, introduced the meeting and gave preliminary information about the April charity meeting at the Cathedral. Posters and tickets for the event will be available next month. David D’Arcy, the present owner of the JW […]

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