
Peterborough, Care of the Sick for 2000 Years

Peterborough, Care of the Sick for 2000 Years

March has commenced true to form, producing some very wild, gusty, windy weather but this hadn’t  deterred the members from attending the evenings meeting.  Stephen Perry one of our foundation members and Local Historian was to give a talk about the medical care and hospital provision to the people of Peterborough through the centuries. It […]

Milestones and Turnpikes…are we there yet?

Milestones and Turnpikes…are we there yet?

Wishing all our members a very Happy New Year and welcome to the first Local History Society meeting report of the year. The meeting for January was well attended with a full hall and several potential new members were welcomed. There were a few notices to be announced before the evening’s speaker was announced.  Our […]

November, the Season of Fogs and Fireworks

November, the Season of Fogs and Fireworks

Once more our members gathered in the St Marks Church Hall for our November meeting and AGM. Despite the cold chill in the night air, the attendance was high.  The business part of the meeting went well without any problems   Our Chairman, Trevor, gave his annual report, praising the excellent speakers at the meetings […]

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